Sunday, November 15, 2009

Choices and decisions

A choice is a selection out of a variety of options (two or more) an individual makes upon which to act. Choices are made from deep within. The soul, intuition, and the subconscious mind are the primary factions of the being that are involved in making a choice.
A decision is made with the conscious mind and the ego. It is based on past experiences, education, logic, deductive reasoning, and the current state of emotions.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Asking Questions

What happens when we want to ask someone a question? The first question we must ask ourselves before asking the other person is, “What is the purpose of asking this question?’
Perhaps we lose focus on the purpose of our question. Sometimes we are deceiving in the way we ask questions. Sometimes we don’t want to know the truth, but what we are going to do with whatever answer we get.
“How may I help you?” Is this question designed to find out how we can actually help someone or is this question designed for us to make a sale or look caring or to take advantage of the other person, or to break a silence, or to say something for the sake of saying something? If the question is designed to find out how you can be of assistance, then we will approach that person with the proper tone and demeanor (controlled by our subconscious mind). When a question is being asked for the sake getting the truth, then that question will receive its true answer. Should there be any other motives behind the question, then sooner or later it will come out like a leaky pen through a white shirt pocket.
Ultimately, are we asking a question to get THE answer or A answer?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

having to say something vs. having something to say

Seldom do we catch ourselves having to say something as opposed having something to say. The former is just a silence killer or a lack of conversation material. Many people find themselves in a situation where they are compelled to say something or make conversation. These people have a difficult time with silence or like the sound of their voice a little too much. They are under the impression that the people in their audience are really interested in what they have to say?
Then we have the second group of people who have something to say. If a person has something to say, the information will come out effortlessly and without any hidden agendas. Unlike the first group, the people in the second group are under no pressure to fill the silence. They share their mind without any expectations or attachments to their own ideas.

Road A or B

Often times we tend to look at our current life and start wondering about our past actions. Doubting questions arise: "If I hadn't done that or if only I had done this other thing, then things would have been better." Truth of the matter is that regardless of which path we took in the past, we would have still ended up in the same place. Our actions are the cause and our situation is the effect. However, our actions are a result of our being. Who we are determines our actions and not the other way around. Our belief systems cause our actions. Therefore, had we taken road A versus road B, we would have still ended up where we are now.